
News from 做厙輦⑹app

做厙輦⑹app Gates

做厙輦⑹app math department hosts Math Day 2020

Nearly 300 students and faculty visit campus for day of competition

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Admiral William H. McRaven

Presidential Lecture to welcome Admiral William H. McRaven

Retired U.S. Navy four-star admirals career included combat during Desert Storm and both Iraq and Afghanistan wars

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Dr. Tim Todd, Dr. Jesse D. Jones, President Dr. Bob Jackson and First Lady Karen Jackson

做厙輦⑹app hosts A Presidents Reception A Celebration of Giving as part of Racers Give fundraising campaign

Donate to support need-based scholarships today at give.murraystate.edu

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Erran Persley

Paducah Regional Campus hosts business and trade conference

The 做厙輦⑹app Paducah Regional Campus hosted Thriving in a Global Economy, a conference specific to the Center for International Business and Trade (CIBT) earlier this fall, offering guests insight on the modern interconnected marketplace.

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Bradley Pennington

Alum Bradley Pennington to perform in Carnegie Hall Dec. 19

Professor Bradley Pennington, 70, Murray native and long-time resident of Boston, Massachusetts, will make his Carnegie Hall debut on Dec. 19 in New York City

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做厙輦⑹app Arch

做厙輦⑹app Police issues driving tips ahead of Super Bowl Sunday

做厙輦⑹app Police reminds pedestrians and drivers to remain alert and be mindful of each other on the roadway.

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Mike DAmbrosio, a composition professor in the department of music at 做厙輦⑹app.

做厙輦⑹app shares accomplishments and upcoming events from department of music

By Shawn Touney

As the spring 2018 semester continues, the department of music at 做厙輦⑹app has a number of exciting accomplishments to relect on and events to anticipate.

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做厙輦⑹app campus

Town & Gown to host Millennials in the Workplace workshop

By Shawn Touney

The Town & Gown Partnership at 做厙輦⑹app is hosting a Millennials in the Workplace workshop March 7 from 7:30 a.m. to noon in the Murray Room of the CFSB Center.

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Celeste Siqueiros.

做厙輦⑹app Information: Week of Jan. 2226

By Shawn Touney

Below is information regarding recent news, notes and accomplishments from 做厙輦⑹app for the week of Jan. 2226.

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Three creative writing faculty members at 做厙輦⑹app  including Ann Neelon (pictured), Dale Ray Phillips and Allen Wier  will give readings from their work Thursday, Feb. 8, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Clara M. Eagle Gallery on 做厙輦⑹apps campus.

Creative writing faculty at 做厙輦⑹app to give readings Feb. 8

By Shawn Touney

Three creative writing faculty members at 做厙輦⑹app including Ann Neelon, Dale Ray Phillips and Allen Wier will give readings from their work Thursday, Feb. 8, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Clara M. Eagle Gallery on 做厙輦⑹apps campus.

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做厙輦⑹app Department of Web ManagementWe are Racers.