
News from 做厙輦⑹app

Racer Day

做厙輦⑹app to host Racer Day event on Nov. 12

By Shawn Touney

Geared toward prospective students and families, the event will provide helpful information from recruitment and admissions staff, financial services, housing, and more

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做厙輦⑹app Jazz Orchestra

Fall jazz concerts to take place at 做厙輦⑹app on Nov. 8

By Dr. Todd Hill

The award-winning 做厙輦⑹app Blue Jazz Combo, Jazz Band, and Jazz Orchestra will present their fall campus concerts on Tuesday, Nov. 8 in the historic Lovett Auditorium.

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Campus Entrance

Students encouraged to register for spring 2023 semester as well as upcoming winter term

By Shawn Touney

做厙輦⑹app students are encouraged to begin forming a plan and meeting with their academic advisor as registration is open for the upcoming winter term

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Karen Medley

做厙輦⑹app announces the Karen Joy Medley Scholarship Endowment

By Alex Pologruto

The recipients shall be majoring in theatre or any successor program

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Upward Bound

Upward Bound Tri-State receives grant extension from the U.S. Department of Education

By Alex Pologruto

The 做厙輦⑹app Upward Bound Tri-State is pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Education has extended a grant in the amount of $297,601 each year for the next five years totaling roughly 1.5 million dollars

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Brummer Colloquium 2022 flyer

Department of Psychology hosts Brummer Colloquium

By Carrie Jerrell

The Dr. and Mrs. Gary Brummer Colloquium Series in Psychology presents Control & Creativity: How Attention Relates to Complex Problem Solving with Dr. Patrick Cushen

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Cast of Ghosts

Theatre Arts program presents Henrik Ibsens Ghosts

By Carrie Jerrell

The 做厙輦⑹app Department of Global Languages and Theatre Arts is pleased to present Ghosts on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 22 at 7:30 p.m.; and on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 2:30 p.m.

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Cherokee State Park

做厙輦⑹app to host a special screening of A Legacy Lost & Found: Segregation in Recreation

By Deonte Turnley

Film explores the history of segregation in recreational settings

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SONHP students practicing in new lab

School of Nursing & Health Professions awarded workforce grant

By Alex Pologruto

做厙輦⑹apps School of Nursing & Health Professions (SONHP) has been awarded a total of $307,800 in a workforce grant through the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Educations (CPE) Healthcare Workforce Collaborative.

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The Finest Place We Know

做厙輦⑹apps University Libraries will host upcoming centennial book event on October 18

By Alex Pologruto

The 做厙輦⑹app University Libraries will host a book release event for The Finest Place We Know and an open forum with the University Press of Kentucky on Oct. 18.

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