Minor in Social Science
Social Science Minor — 24 hrs
Open only to majors in economics, history or political science who seek secondary certification in social studies.
ECO 231, EES 110, HIS 221, 222, POL 140, SOC 133; and six hours of upper level courses (300 or above) from the social science disciplines with approval of advisor. Courses required for a major may not be counted toward the minor; substitutions must be from a social science discipline other than the major and be approved by the advisor; and requirements for certification for teaching secondary school social studies, grades 8 through 12 through the College of Education must also be met.
The requirements listed above are an example of what is applicable to most students entering °µÍø½ûÇøapp at the present time. Criteria as they may relate to individual students may vary. The primary source is the Undergraduate Bulletin applicable at the time of the student enrollment.