Major in Political Science with Social Studies Certification
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Degree
CIP 45.1001
University Studies Requirements (41-47 hours)
University Studies selections must include:
- Scientific Inquiry, Methodologies and Quantitative Skills: STA 135 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- University Studies Approved Elective: CSC 199 Introduction to Information Technology
Note: Certification requires a grade of B or better in one English composition course and a C or better in a University Studies math course, public speaking, and EDU 103 or equivalent course. Additional requirements for admission to teacher education and student teaching must be met. See advisor and/or Office of Teacher Education Services for details.
Required Courses (21 hours)
- ENG 205 Writing for the Social Sciences
- POL 099 Transitions
- POL 140 American National Government
- POL 250 Introduction to International Relations
- POL 252 Contemporary Political Systems
- POL 261 Introduction to Political Theory
- POL 360 Research Methods
- POL 499 Senior Seminar in Political Science
Required Limited Electives (18 hours)
POL electives approved by advisor.
Note: At least 12 hours of the major must be at the 400-level. Only six hours of credit toward the major may be received from POL 488, 489, or 495.
Required for Secondary Certification (35-38 hours)
- COM 372 Communication in Educational Environments
- EDP 260 Psychology of Human Development
- EDU 103 Issues and Practices of American Education
- EDU 303 Strategies of Teaching
- EDU 403 Structures and Foundations of Education
- EDU 405 Evaluation and Measurement in Education
- EDU 422 Student Teaching Seminar (optional)
- SEC 420 Practicum in Secondary Schools
- SEC 421 Student Teaching in the Secondary School
- SED 300 Educating Students with Disabilities
Required Minor (21-24 hours)
Choose either economics, geography, history or social science minor. Social science minor is recommended.
Total Curriculum Requirements (136-148 hours)
The requirements listed above are an example of what is applicable to most students entering °µÍø½ûÇøapp at the present time. Criteria as they may relate to individual students may vary. The primary source is the Undergraduate Bulletin applicable at the time of the student enrollment.