Joshua Easterling

Joshua Easterling
- Ph.D., The Ohio State University
- M.A., The Ohio State University
- B.A., University of Maryland
Highlighted Publications
- Ascetic Blood: Ethics, Suffering and Community in Late-Medieval Culture, in Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture, eds. Larissa Tracy and Kelly DeVries (Leiden: Brill, 2015).
- Love Will Not Be Idle: Penance, Fantasy and Desire in Richard Rolles The Form of Living, Exemplaria 27.3 (2015): 205-21.
- Look to Your Calling: Reclusion and Resistance in Medieval Anchoritic Culture, Mediaevalia 35 (2015): 51-82.
- Desire, Law, and the Enclosed Body in the Middle English Patience, The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 40.2 (2014): 144-72.
Courses Taught
- HUM 211 Topics in Literature and Philosophy
- ENG 105 Critical Reading, Writing and Inquiry
- ENG 309 History of the English Language
- ENG 427 Medieval Literature
Areas of Specialization
- Late-medieval Language
- Literature and Culture
Awards and Distinctions
- 2003-2004 / 2008-2009 Jules B. LaPidus Fellowship
- 2003 Deans Graduate Enrichment Fellowship for Doctoral Studies