Andrew Black

Andy Black
FH 7C-11
Mikhail Bakhtin has written, "One's own discourse and one's own voice, although born of another or dynamically stimulated by another, will sooner or later begin to liberate themselves from the authority of the other's discourse." The classroom, then, should be a space where students study the discourse of others in order to liberate themselves, to discover their interpretive powers and their own unique voices. More than anything else, I want my students to develop their "ethos" as writers and readers, and to realize their own agency as they participate in a tradition of readers and rhetors.
- Ph.D., University of Maryland
- M.A., University of Memphis
- B.A., Mississippi State University
Highlighted Publications
- “The Orator in the Laboratory: Rhetoric and Experimentation in Thomas Shadwell’s The Virtuoso.” Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture: 1660-1700. Spring 2013.
- “’Spacious Fields’: Alexander Hamilton and the Rhetoric of Sentence Architecture.”Style. 49.2 (2015).
- “Lord British’s Ethics: Interrogating Virtue in the Ultima: Age of Enlightenment ł§±đ°ůľ±±đ˛ő.” The Computer Games Journal. 6 (2017).
- Review of Antitheatricality and the Body Public by Lisa Freeman. Restoration 41.2 (2017).
- “’Perswade Us Out of Our Selves’: Margaret Cavendish’s Regulation of Rhetoric.” The Seventeenth Century. 33.3 (2018).
- "’Cannot You Trust God for a Sermon?’Anti-Methodists and the Rhetoric of Methodist Spirituality." Eighteenth-Century Life. 43.1 (2018).
- “Thinking Rhetorically and Seriously in the British Literature Survey.” This Rough Magic: A Peer-Reviewed, Academic, Online Journal Dedicated to the Teaching of Medieval & Renaissance Literature. December 2018. .
- “Kesha on Salvation Mountain.” Response: The Digital Journal of Popular Culture Scholarship. 4.1 (2019). .
- “Ardelia, Orinda, Astrea, and Ke$ha: Teaching #metoo and the Gendered Sphere of Letters.” Forthcoming in Aphra Behn Online: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830.
- “Rhetoric and Preaching.” Invited Chapter Submission: The Cambridge History of Rhetoric. Vol. 4: Rhetoric from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries. Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming 2021.
- “Quixotic Practices: Attention and Absorption in the Early Modern Literature Survey.” Invited Chapter Submission. Feminist Formalism and Early Modern Women’s Writing: Readings, Conversations, Pedagogies. University of Nebraska Press. Forthcoming 2020.
Courses Taught
- ENG 105 Critical Reading, Writing and Inquiry
- ENG 205 Writing for the Social Sciences
- ENG 224 Writing in the Professions
- ENG 324 Technical Writing
Areas of Specialization
- Critical Theory, History of Rhetorical Theory, Long 18th-Century Literature, Philosophy, Religion and Rhetoric
- Media Studies
Awards and Distinctions
- Board of Regents Regents Teaching Award, 2017
- 2015 Distinguished Honors Program Professor of the Year
- Harman-Ward Fellowship, 2012-13
Leadership and Service
- Interim Assistant Dean, 2016
- Interim Director, Cinema International
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
- American Society for 18th-Century Studies
- College Composition and Communication
- National Council of Teachers of English
- Rhetoric Society of America