
Fall Protection Program

Fall Protection Program

Fall Protection Training Presentation

Purpose and Scope 

To provide reduced risk from fall and injury through instruction on the use of fall protection equipment. Fall protection precautions will be instituted when employees work above six feet in elevation, measured from the surface on which the employee is standing to the next level. This section does not include the use of portable ladders, which are covered elsewhere.


  1. The person in charge will assure that all employees follow the prescribed procedure and train each employee in the proper use and care of the fall protection system.

  2. Employees shall be responsible to use the fall protection equipment in the manner intended by the equipment manufacturer. Employees shall receive training to insure they are knowledgeable in fall protection.

  3. Supervisors shall inspect and maintain equipment in a manner prescribed by the equipment manufacturer. Sufficient equipment will be on hand to provide fall protection to each employee at risk.

Fall Protection System 

One of the following Fall Protection Systems shall be used when individuals are working over six feet from the surface to the next level.

  1. Guardrails

    • The guardrail system will provide for the following:

      1. A top rail between 40 inches and 45 inches in height.

      2. Mid-rails at 21 inches in height.

      3. Top rails will be capable of withstanding a horizontal load of at least 200 pounds and mid-rails 150 pounds. Rails will be kept clean, well painted and free from nicks, cuts, etc. which could cut the hands of workers.

  2. Personal Fall Arrest Systems

    • The personal Fall Arrest System may be used to protect workers against falls. The system is required to have the following:

      1. Individuals who are properly trained in the theory and operation of the particular type of fall protection being used.

      2. The Fall Arrest System, including a harness, fall deceleration devices, hooks and attachment points, etc., shall be made specifically for fall protection.

      3. Anchor points shall be capable of supporting 5,000 pounds for each employee attached to it.

      4. The Fall Arrest System shall be rigged to provide a fall distance of no greater than six feet prior to the activation of the deceleration device. A fall will be stopped in at least 3 ½ feet after deceleration begins.

      5. All fall arrest system components shall be thoroughly inspected by the user and their Supervisor prior to, and at the end of each use. Damaged or worn equipment shall be marked or destroyed (cut) in a manner to insure its discontinued use.

      6. A means of rescue for individuals who have fallen shall be provided for prior to the beginning of work. The rescue shall be done in a timely manner within 15 minutes after the individual has fallen. Rescue involves the safe recovery of the fallen individual from the hanging position.

      7. Care shall be taken by the individual using the fall arrest system and their supervisor to insure that the height of the fall, plus the length of deceleration (the length of deceleration device after activation) is not less than five feet longer than the distance of the fall.

      8. After a fall occurs, the body harness, deceleration device, and all harness fittings shall be permanently removed from service.

      9. The anchor point shall be kept as midline with the individual using the fall arrest system as possible. If a swing hazard exists, the anchor point shall be moved closer to the worker using the fall arrest system.

  3. Positioning Devices

    • The Positioning Devices are to be used only when there is no danger of having to arrest a fall. The length of travel of horizontal lifeline shall be arranged in such a manner that does not allow the wearer to reach an unprotected edge, with a fall greater than two feet. (OSHA 1910.230 standard)

      1. Only individuals who are properly trained in the use of positioning devices shall use the system.

      2. The positioning device system will consist of an approved belt, line, fasteners, and anchor point (3,000 lbs. Rated).

      3. The positioning device system will be carefully inspected prior to use by the individual using it.

      4. The manner of intended use will be carefully evaluated by the individual using it and their Supervisor for potential hazards arising from its use.

      5. The attachment point of the control line to the belt will be given careful consideration to provide for keeping the line out of the work area and reduce slipping and tripping hazards.

      6. When beginning to put the system in operation, careful measurement should be made to insure the user is not allowed to travel over any falls of more than two feet. Extra care shall be taken in the use of automatic retractable control lines.

Warning Line Systems

The warning line system will be used in areas involving large work areas such as roofs. Care shall be taken to insure that the Warning Line is not mistaken for a guardrail or guardline.

  1. The warning line will be elevated off the working surface by at least 34 inches in height and no more than 39 inches.

  2. The warning line shall be located at least eight (8) feet from the unprotected or inadequately protected fall hazard (leading edge).

  3. The warning line shall be strong enough to withstand incidental contact of at least 20 pounds, applied at a height of 30 inches. It shall be secured in such a manner so as to prevent its migration toward the edge.

  4. No employee shall be allowed to work in the area between the Warning Line and the edge of the roof.

Fall Protection Flat Roof Minor Repairs

If workers are on a flat roof to make minor repairs and are working away form the leading edge, no fall prevention system is required under the following conditions. The guideline for this is that if the repair can be finished in the time it would take to install the warning lines, guardrails, etc., the workers can proceed without protection. There also needs to be no more than a moderate breeze of more than 20 mph. The repair/maintenance must be located at least 8 feet from the leading edge.

It will be the only duty of one worker to observe the other workers on the roof and to warn them of their being located in close proximity to the edge.

There is no requirement for fall protection during roof inspections. Inspections will be performed during times when ice and wind hazards are not present. Inspectors will use common sense and caution in performance of their duties.

Training Requirements

All employees working with fall prevention devices will be thoroughly familiar with the devices and this Fall Prevention Procedure. The individual foremen and supervisors will provide the necessary instruction. The subjects covered are as follows:

  1.   The nature of the fall hazard a particular job presents.

  2.   The procedure for installing, maintaining, and disassembling the system.

  3.   The equipment inspection process.

  4.   The use of the particular system used.

The supervisor will keep a written record of employee training for each system the employee is required to use. It shall include the name of the instructor, the student’s name, and the date(s) of delivery.

Retraining will be done when the systems are upgraded, or when the supervision or the employee feels retraining is necessary.

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