
Asbestos Awareness

The purpose of this program is to summarize the asbestos management procedures for the university community of faculty, staff, students, visitors and external contractors and consultants on campus. The goal of a management plan is to prevent the release of asbestos fibers until the asbestos-containing material (ACM) in a building is scheduled to be professionally removed in advance of maintenance, renovation, or demolition activities. This plan outlines the university's procedures and best practices regarding the day-to-day management of asbestos and the planned or accidental disturbance of asbestos. This program is not a substitute for proper asbestos training and is not a complete reference for asbestos information. If you need to report asbestos containing material, please contact ESH at 270.809.3480.

Asbestos Management Program

Asbestos Awareness Training Presentation

Take the next step

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