
University News

Makerspace in the basement of Waterfield Library

app’s new Makerspace area provides innovative resources and opportunities for students, faculty and staff

By Shawn Touney

app and University Libraries dedicated the new Makerspace area inside Waterfield Library as part of the University’s many events and celebrations associated with Homecoming 2021 on October 22.

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Forbes and Wall Street Journal accolades

app recognized nationally by Forbes, as well as Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education in most recent accolades

National accolades continue to be received by app, as the institution has been recognized by both Forbes and the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education for quality and value.

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Washington Monthly Best Bang for the Buck

app recognized nationally as a ‘Best Bang for the Buck’ by Washington Monthly

app has once again been highlighted as a nationally-recognized best value for students seeking a college degree by Washington Monthly.

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Forbes Best Employer

app recognized nationally as one of Kentucky’s best employers by Forbes

app has been recognized nationally as one of Kentucky’s best employers by Forbes as part of the publication’s “2021 Best Employers” list. app is ranked 13th among the 50 state employers which were recognized on the list, and was the highest-ranked four-year public regional comprehensive university in Kentucky.

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