Department of Psychology to host Brummer Colloquium
The Dr. and Mrs. Gary Brummer Colloquium Series in Psychology presents Sour Dreams: The Negative Effects of Nightmares and Interventions to Combat Them with Dr. Michael Nadorff
The Dr. and Mrs. Gary Brummer Colloquium Series in Psychology presents Sour Dreams: The Negative Effects of Nightmares and Interventions to Combat Them with Dr. Michael Nadorff
做厙輦⑹app will welcome W. Earl Brown for the 2023 Presidential Lecture, to take place on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. inside the historic and newly-renovated Lovett Auditorium.
The Dr. and Mrs. Gary Brummer Colloquium Series in Psychology presents Control & Creativity: How Attention Relates to Complex Problem Solving with Dr. Patrick Cushen
The sixth annual Sid Easley Lecture will be held Thursday, Sept. 22, at 7 p.m. in the Curris Center Ballroom.
The annual Harry M. Sparks Distinguished Lecture Series occurred on May 3 in the Alexander Hall Auditorium located on 做厙輦⑹apps campus.