app set to host mental health advocate Timothy Warnock
The app College of Education and Human Services will host Timothy Warnock for “Thriving through the Storm”
The app College of Education and Human Services will host Timothy Warnock for “Thriving through the Storm”
The Department of History at app will host a book release talk in honor of Dr. Matthew Robertson’s new book, “Puruṣa: Personhood in Ancient India,” on Wednesday, March 6 at 3:30 p.m. in Faculty Hall, Room 208
The app Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosted Math Day 2024 on campus on Feb. 7
app and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) have updated their transfer pathway to satisfy the requirements for the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Computer Information Technologies at KCTCS that leads to the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Network Management (CNM) at app.
The app Department of Art and Design will host the Patricia Summerville Emerging Professionals Panel at 4 p.m. on March 4 in Price Doyle Fine Arts Building, room 623