
Outstanding New Member Education Program

Award Criteria:

  1. Chapter should maintain an active mentoring program. (big bro, big sis, etc.)

  2. Must initiate 85 % of those pledged/associated within the last two semesters.

  3. Submit pledge/assoc/new member education outline for the last two semesters.

  4. Provide any documentation or supportive information relative to any events, including any speaker or co-sponsoring organization involved with the event and the number of individuals involved with the activity and their role.

If supporting documents are provided,  please submit either in hard copy to the Office of Greek Life & Student Leadership Programs, located in the Center for Student Involvement on the first floor of the  Curris Center or via email to msu.greeklife@murraystate.edu .

New Member Programs required by the Office of Greek Life and Student Organizations cannot be submitted.

Fill out the form below or .

Previous Award Recipients:





  Pi Kappa Alpha

   Delta Zeta 


  Pi Kappa Alpha

  Sigma Sigma Sigma   


  Sigma Pi

  Sigma Sigma Sigma   



  Sigma Sigma Sigma   



  Alpha Delta Pi


  Sigma Phi Epsilon   

  Sigma Sigma Sigma   

Take the next step

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