

The program includes eight nursing courses and can be completed in two or three semesters. Have questions? You will receive personal attention with advising from full-time Murray State nursing faculty. 

Admission requirements

Admission to the RN-BSN program is dependent upon

  • being a licensed nurse (RN),
  • a cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • and the completion of the following pre-requisite courses:
    • ENG 105 (or ENG 101 & 102),
    • MAT 140 (College Algebra),
    • CHE 111 (Chemistry) OR BIO 300 (Microbiology),
    • BIO 227, 228, 229 & 230 (AP I & AP II),
    • COM 161(Public speaking),
    • PSY 180 (General Psychology).

Applicants must

  1. Graduate from an accredited institutions associate degree nursing program,
  2. Be currently admitted to 做厙輦⑹app and all official college transcripts must be received and evaluated by the Transfer Center,
  3. Complete all prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher

Course requirements

If you have an earned an AS or AA from a Kentucky community college, you will meet University studies requirements.

Total Course Requirements (42 hours)

RN to BSN Core Courses (30 hours)

  • NUR 309 Research and Evidence Based Practice for Registered Nurses
  • NUR 314 Professional Nursing Practice
  • NUR 341 Nursing Assessment
  • NUR 360 Professional Development Seminar for Registered Nurses
  • NUR 403 Community Nursing
  • NUR 404 Leadership and Management in Nursing
  • NUR 448 Professional Communication Seminar for Registered Nurses
  • Nursing elective credits

Course Transfer Credits (12 hours)

Program Prerequisites or Equivalents (33 hours)

  • BIO 227/228 Human Anatomy w/ lab
  • BIO 229/230 Human Physiology w/ lab
  • STA 135 Statistics (co-requisite for NUR 306)
  • MAT 140 College Algebra
  • PSY 180 General Psychology
  • CHE 105 or CHE 111 Chemistry w/ lab OR
    BIO 300 Microbiology w/ lab
  • ENG 105 Critical Reading, Writing and Inquiry
  • COM 161 Introduction to Public Speaking

University Studies Courses (42 hours)

University Unrestricted Elective Course (3 hours)

Total BSN Degree Requirements (120 hours)

Course schedule examples

For students who are admitted into a spring cohort and previously completed all university studies and program required courses.

Fall Semester

  • 1st 8 weeks: NUR 314: Professional Nursing Practice (3 credit hours)
  • 2nd 8 weeks: NUR 341 Nursing Assessment (3 credit hours)
  • 16 weeks: 
    • NUR 403: Community Nursing (4 credit hours: 3 didactic, 1 clinical)
    • NUR 360: Professional Development Seminar for Registered Nurses (5 credit hours)

Spring Semester

  • 1st 8 weeks: NUR 306: Evidence Based Practice and Research Methods (3 credit hours)
  • 2nd 8 weeks: Nursing Elective: Choose NUR 301, NUR 405 or NUR 460 (3 credit hours)
  • 16 weeks: 
    • NUR 404: Leadership and Management in Nursing (4 credit hours: 3 didactic, 1 clinical)
    • NUR 448: Professional Communication Seminar for Registered Nurses (5 credit hours)

For students who are admitted into a spring cohort and previously completed all university studies and program required courses.

Spring Semester

  • 1st 8 weeks: NUR 314: Professional Nursing Practice (3 credit hours)
  • 2nd 8 weeks: NUR 341: Nursing Assessment (3 credit hours)
  • 16 weeks:
    • NUR 403: Community Nursing (4 credit hours: 3 didactic, 1 clinical)
    • NUR 360: Professional Development Seminar for Registered Nurses (5 credit hours)

Summer Semester

  • 1st 5 weeks: Nursing Elective: Choose NUR 301, NUR 405 or NUR 460 (3 credit hours)
  • 10 weeks: NUR 309 Research and Evidence Based Practice for Registered Nurses (3 credit hours)

Fall Semester

16 weeks:

  • NUR 404: Leadership and Management in Nursing
  • NUR 448: Professional Communication Seminar for Registered Nurses (5 credit hours)

Regardless of your location, RN to BSN students pay in-state Kentucky tuition rates. Students can complete their required coursework in as little as three semesters and can even start during the summer term.

Course descriptions

  • NUR 309 Research and Evidence Based Practice for Registered Nurses(3)Introductory research and evidence-based practice will be discussed as it relates to the role of the Registered Nurse and improving patient outcomes. This course is designed for RN-BSN students only.
  • NUR 314 Professional Nursing Practice (3). Designed to provide the student with concepts and theories basic to baccalaureate nursing education. Professional nursing practice is emphasized. Analysis and synthesis of knowledge from other disciplines are incorporated into the practice of nursing. Prerequisites: admission to the RN to BSN Program and required in first semester of program.
  • NUR 341 Nursing Assessment (3). A course providing learning experiences needed to acquire assessment knowledge and skills for eliciting a sound data base. Activities involve interviewing, recognizing psychosocial-developmental status, performing physical examination, interpreting test findings, documenting findings and stating nursing diagnoses. Differentiation of nursing responsibilities associated with a variety of health states and developmental levels is addressed. Pre- or co-requisite: NUR 314.
  • NUR 360 Professional Development for Registered Nurses  (5). This course is designed to improve the ability of students to articulate through oral and written communication professional goals and accomplishments while enhancing professional development skills. This course will provide students the opportunity to develop a comprehensive portfolio documenting prior and current educational, professional, and life experiences as a registered nurse.
  • NUR 403 Community Nursing (4). An overview of the philosophy of community health care and trends in community health services delivery. The emphasis is on prevention of illness and promotion of health of individuals, families, communities, and related socio-cultural and environmental factors. A brief description of the political and financial structure at the local, state and national level is presented along with community health nursings relationship to it. Practice projects include but are not limited to a community assessment and community implementation project. Pre- or co-requisite: NUR 314.
  • NUR 404 Leadership and Management in Nursing (4). A study and/or review of leadership and management concepts relevant to working with groups of people in providing care for groups of clients with an emphasis on the application and integration of nursing knowledge. Through the completion of practice projects the student will work collaboratively as a nurse leader with other health care personnel. Pre- or co-requisite: NUR 314.
  • NUR 448 Professional Communication Seminar for Registered Nurses (5). This course is designed to further improve the ability of students to articulate through oral and written communication professional goals and accomplishments while enhancing professional development skills. This course will provide students the opportunity to refine and update a comprehensive portfolio document that was developed in a previous class.
  • Electives
    • NUR 405 Nursing Profession and Health Care Delivery (3). An identification and analysis of the current and emerging issues in nursing and those forces impinging upon the nursing profession and health care delivery. Nursing as an independent profession, and the interdependent and collaborative relationships with other health related professions will be explored. Pre- or co-requisite: NUR 314. For RN to BSN students, course will be offered online and satisfies the nursing elective credit requirements.
    • NUR 460 Special Topic: End of Life Nursing Practice (3). Provides concepts and theories which are basic to baccalaureate nursing education including end of life nursing practice principles, effective interdisciplinary team approach and the nurses ethical obligation to provide patients with end of life care. Pre- or co-requisite: NUR 314. For RN to BSN students, course will be offered online and satisfies the nursing elective credit requirements.

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