B.F.A. Art History Option
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
CIP 50.0702
ACCREDITED BY: National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
Total Curriculum Requirements (120 hrs)
University Studies Requirements (38-41 hrs)
(See Academic Degrees and Programs.)
University Studies selections must include:
- Global Awareness, Cultural Diversity and the World's Artistic Traditions
ART 212 Art from the Renaissance to the Present - University Studies Elective
One of the following:
- ART 211 Ancient and Medieval Art or
- ART 213 Art of Global Cultures
Core Courses (60 hrs)
- ART 100T Transitions
- ART 101 Drawing I: Introduction to Drawing
- ART 111 Two-dimensional Design
- ART 112 Three-dimensional Design
- ART 201 Drawing II: Life Drawing
- ART 298 Mid-Degree Review Seminar
- ART 399 Professional Practices
- ART 498 B.F.A. Practicum Exhibition
- Three of the following:
- ART 300 Drawing III
- ART 330 Introduction to Painting I
- ART 350 Introduction to Graphic Design I: Digital Art
- ART 379 Introduction to Printmaking I
- ART 382 Introduction to Photography I
- ART 393 Special Topics in 2-D
- Three of the following:
- ART 309 Introduction to Metalsmithing I
- ART 310 Introduction to Furniture Design I
- ART 360 Introduction to Sculpture I
- ART 370 Introduction to Ceramics I
- ART 394 Special Topics in 3-D
- One of the following:
- ART 415 Greek and Roman Art
- ART 416 Medieval Art
- ART 418 Renaissance Art
- ART 419 Baroque Art
- One of the following:
- ART 428 Nineteenth-Century Art
- ART 429 Art from 1900 to 1960
- ART430 Contemporary Art, 1960 to the Present
- One of the following:
- ART 425 Art of Asia
- ART491 Special Problems in Art HIstory2
- ART 501 Special Topics in Art History
- or one course from: ART 415, 416, 418, 419, 428, 429, 430
Five sequential courses in studio art to be selected from one of the following areas with advisor approval:
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Furniture Design/Woodworking
- Graphic Design
- Metalsmithing
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking, or
- Sculpture
Enhanced Art History Option Courses (27 hrs)
Four additional art history courses to be selected in consultation with advisor.
- One of the following:
- ART 415 Greek & Roman Art
- ART 416 Medieval Art
- ART 418 Renaissance Art
- ART 419 Baroque Art
- One of the following:
- ART 428 Nineteenth-Century Art
- ART 429 Art from 1900 to 1960
- ART 430 Contemporary Art, 1960 to the Present
- Two of the following:
- ART 356 Art of Non-Western Cultures
- ART 425 Art of Asia
- ART 491 Special Problems in Art History2
- ART 501 Special Topics in Art History
- or one course from: ART 415, 416, 418, 419, 428, 429, 430
Unrestricted Electives (0-1 hrs)
1 Study abroad is strongly recommended.
2 An independent study course in the student's area pf emphasis is recommended.
3 The baccalaureate degree is not awarded automatically upon completion of any required number of courses or units of credit. The progress and status of students in the program is regularly assessed through reviews. All students are required to register for ART 298 the semester after they complete 30 credit hours of ART courses. After passing ART 298, students may form a B.F.A jury and track in the B.F.A. requirements. Students tracking in the B.F.A. with Enhanced Art History must include an art history faculty as a member of their jury. A final review, ART 498, is conducted by B.F.A. jury in conjunction with fulfilling the senior B.F.A. Practicum Exhibition requirement. B.F.A students
The requirements listed above are an example of what is applicable to most students entering °µÍø½ûÇøapp at the present time. Criteria as they may relate to individual students may vary. The primary source is the Undergraduate Bulletin applicable at the time of the student enrollment.