Alternative Teaching Certification
Alternative Certification
The Kentucky General Assembly, under KRS 161.048 has enacted alternative routes to teacher and administrator certification for persons who have demonstrated exceptional work and/or educational experiences. There are eight options for alternative teacher certification under state statute. Unsure which option is best for you? Complete the to determine which pathway you should explore.
Option 6 - University-Based Alternative Route
°µÍø½ûÇøapp's College of Education and Human Services provides an alternative route to Kentucky teacher certification through the Education Professional Standards Board. The goal of the °µÍø½ûÇøapp Program is to ensure every community has talented and dedicated teachers in their classrooms.
The Alternative Route to Teacher Certification is structured under Option VI of the alternatives routes approved by the Education Professional Standards Board and the 2000 session of Kentucky's General Assembly. The Alternative Route Program allows an individual to complete the educational program at °µÍø½ûÇøapp with concurrent employment in a school district. The candidate must complete all requirements within three years and pass all required assessments.
Available Content Areas:
- Birth to Primary
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (Offered in conjunction with the IECE Initital Certification Master's program.)
- Grades 5-9
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Grades 8-12
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Social Studies
- Grade 12
- Art
- Health & PE
- Music
- Spanish
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Library Media (Offered in conjunction with the Library Media Initial Certification Master's program.)
- Grades 5-12
- Agriculture
- Business & Marketing
- Enginering & Technology
- Family & Consumer Sciences
Are you looking for an Administrative Alternative Certification? Interested in Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD) or Moderate to Severe Disabilities (MSD) certification? Alternative Routes to Administrative Certification
Eligibility Criteria
Have a bachelor's degree in a certifiable area or comparable coursework in a certifiable area.
2.75 GPA (or 3.0 on the last 30 hours)
On June 21, 2021, the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) waived the current admission testing requirements in 16 KAR 5:020 for candidates enrolling in initial graduate educator preparation programs. Graduate initial certification candidates are not required to take the CASE or the GRE.
For more information on Option 6 Alternative Route to Certification, or to begin the eligibility process, contact Ashley Bourke at or 270.809.5620