Junior/Senior/Graduate students
Interested in Careers as Copy Editors
Junior/Senior/Graduate students
3.0 GPA in major
Majoring in a field in the College of Humanities & Fine Arts
Apply through the appropriate department
Students majoring in an area in the College of Humanities & Fine Arts
Financial need considered
Should be a member of Church or synagogue and faithful in attendance
Should have a record of interest in music or interest in increasing his/her knowledge in a field of the fine arts
Apply directly to appropriate department
Must have completed 75 hours with 3.0 GPA
Demonstrated leadership in club related to advertising/marketing
Must have memo signed by club's faculty advisor indicating level of club involvement
Major in advertising or marketing communications
Must submit essay of 50-100 words explaining aspirations in Communications
Junior/Senior/Graduate students
2.5 GPA
Must be a graduate of a KY High School
Financial need considered
Calloway County or Murray High School graduates
Preference to College of Business
Full time
Preference to Calloway and Woodford County students
Studying in the College of Business and Public Affairs, °µÍø½ûÇøapp's School of Nursing, or °µÍø½ûÇøapp's School of Agriculture
Must participate in °µÍø½ûÇøapp approved study abroad experience
Financial need may be considered
English, Journalism, Theatre or Art Major
Incoming freshman
2.0 GPA
All minority students
Major: Journalism, Mass Communications or Radio/TV
Freshman with 17 ACT; current students 2.5 GPA
Non-traditional students must have GED scores
Major - Journalism
Reporter - The °µÍø½ûÇøapp News
Major - Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communications
Field of Study - Advertising, public relations or print journalism
2.75 GPA
Financial need considered
Incoming freshman
Junior/Senior/Graduate students
Journalism major
3.0 GPA
Full time
Major in print journalism
Preference to Calloway County (KY)
Financial need considered
Full time or part time graduate students
Minimum 3.0 GPA
JMC major
Junior/Senior/Graduate students
Specializing in Advertising
2.75 GPA
Financial need considered
Major in Journalism, Mass Communications
60 hours completed
May reapply
All students
Major - Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communications
Emphasis in Broadcast Journalism
Incoming freshman - 20 ACT, and a 2.5/4.0 scale
Major - field of Print Journalism
Preference to members of Westminster Presbyterian Church
2.0 GPA
Junior/Senior/Graduate students
Major - English or Journalism or Master's in English/creative writing
2.9 GPA
Must include writing sample
Major-Communications (Radio/TV, Journalism, Speech, Advertising, or Public Relations)
Financial need considered
Major - Marketing
Active participant in Marketing Club
Interest in activities in the department
3.0 GPA
Pursuing career in Print or Electronic Journalism or Public Relations
Preference to sophomores
May reapply with 2.7 GPA