Department of Journalism and Mass Communications receives re-accreditation
By Kevin Qualls | May 1, 2023
MURRAY, Ky. – The Department of Journalism and Mass Communications (JMC) at app was re-accredited Friday, April 28 during the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications’ meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) is the agency responsible for the evaluation of professional journalism and mass communications programs in colleges and universities, both foreign and domestic. The JMC program is one of 117 accredited programs, and has been continuously accredited since 1986. ACEJMC reviews programs every six years.
Re-accreditation procedures require the department to prepare a self-study that provides evidence of meeting the ACEJMC standards. Those standards include curriculum, financial resources, facilities and equipment, faculty credentials and scholarship, administrative leadership, assessment of learning, student services and graduate placement, diversity and inclusion and strategic planning. An ACEJMC site team visited the JMC program in October 2022 to audit the self-study, review facilities, visit classes and meet with students, faculty and administrators. Their report indicated full compliance on all measures and a recommendation for full re-accreditation.
“ACEJMC accreditation is a meaningful indicator to employers that our graduates are equipped with the skills, ethics and professionalism to be successful media practitioners,” said Dr. Kevin Qualls, chairman of the Journalism and Mass Communications Department.
The JMC Department is one of six departments in the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business.
“The JMC Department is an important player in the mission of the College of Business and we are proud of its accomplishments, and those of its graduates,” said Dr. David Eaton, dean of the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business.
To learn more about app’s Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, please visit .
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