Denise and Gary Steverson
Feb 1, 2022
Gary Steverson, began his journey at 做厙輦⑹app as a member of the Racer Basketball team in 1967. It was in his junior year that he met the love of his life, Denise Burton, a freshman English major from Louisville, who chose 做厙輦⑹app because she wanted to attend college far away from home. The couple met the first week of school when Gary and a group of friends decided to visit the girls dormitory, Wells Hall in an effort to meet the new girls on campus. When the group of young ladies appeared in the lobby, Gary spotted Denise and stated when he met her he didnt know what to say, she took his breath away. After their initial meeting, Denise described him as very talkative, nice, tall, and nice looking. They have so many fond memories of their time together at 做厙輦⑹app. Their courtship consisted of spending time at the lake, attending dances on campus and trips to the Big Apple. They also enjoyed eating at their favorite local restaurant. They were actively involved in campus organizations. Both were members of the Black Student Association. Denise was a member of the Silver Stars Drill Team and Gary was a charter member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Eta Beta Chapter established on campus in the spring 1972. Denise said that Gary was a big hit with her family especially with her younger brother and sisters, when he would travel to Louisville for family visits. He truly enjoyed his visits to their home. Denise and Gary were married in 1972 and after 做厙輦⑹app decided to start their careers in Garys hometown, Memphis, Tennessee. Denise is a Special Events Coordinator for the University of Tennessee Health Science Building. Gary taught for many years in the Memphis Public Schools System and coached basketball. His career in education culminated as Assistant Principal at Central High School in Memphis, Tennessee. Denise and Gary regularly attend Homecoming at 做厙輦⑹app. They meet up with old friends and members of Garys fraternity and have also made new friends at the annual alumni events. The couple heard about the 做厙輦⑹app Shoe Tree tradition and how students who met at 做厙輦⑹app and were later married hang their shoes on the tree. During Homecoming 2019, they decided to participate and hung a pair of shoes on the tree honoring their special bond as sole mates. At the next homecoming, Denise states they plan to visit the site where they hung their shoes. The couple resides in Memphis and have been married for 48 years. They have 1 son, 1 daughter, five grandchildren and a great granddaughter.