ࡱ> .0-M bjbj== 0&WWl8T `$ > @ @ @ @ @ @ $ d d y  @> > 6    jc&h  $ 0  mz jm  HANDLING OF BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS OBJECTIVE: The following procedure is to ensure the safe handling of body fluids, which may be encountered by the personnel staff on the campus of app. Employees who have the potential to come in contact with body fluids in the course of the performance of their jobs should be familiar with and follow this outline as standard operating procedure. 1.0 DEFINITIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS RULE. 1.1 Body fluids include blood, vomit, feces, urine, sweat, nasal secretions, vaginal blood and secretions, etc. 1.2 Disinfectant solution - twelve (12) ounces of liquid bleach per one gallon of water. 2.0 ROUTINE HANDLING PROCEDURES 2.1 Disposable gloves (chemical resistant) shall be worn prior to handling any body fluids or anything which is or suspected of being contaminated with body fluids. 2.2 In places where body fluids are commonly found, such as bathrooms or clinics, gloves shall be worn. 2.3 Containers which commonly contain trash with body fluids, such as restroom trash cans, shall have plastic liners. The liner will be changed each time the container is emptied. Care should be taken to contact only the outside of the plastic bag. If the bag is torn, rubber gloves shall be worn during the bag replacement. 2.4 If containers commonly contain trash contaminated with body fluids and sharp objects such as broken glass, needles, etc., a cardboard or fiberboard box shall be used and lined with a plastic bag. When it becomes full, the plastic bag will be left in the box, the top sealed and the box and plastic bag removed and replaced within another box and plastic bag. 2.5 Containers containing needles will have special labeling and will be handled differently. Contact the Office of Environmental Safety and Health at #3480 for more information. HANDLING OF BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS 3.0 REMOVAL AND DISINFECTING OF BODY FLUIDS FROM SURFACES To remove body fluids from surfaces such as sinks, toilet bowls, showers, floors etc., the following procedures should be followed: 3.1 Put on rubber gloves and cuff the bottom by the wrist over and back. (This will prevent disinfectant from running, washing down your arms.) Put on safety glasses or goggles if there is a possibility of the disinfectant being splashed in your eyes. The gloves and goggles will be provided to you by your supervisor. 3.2 For disinfectant, mix one and one half cup (12 oz.) of Clorox bleach per gallon of water. DO NOT MIX BLEACH WITH ANYTHING CONTAINING AMMONIA! This will release chlorine gas which is very poisonous. 3.3 Wet the mop, rag, etc., in the disinfectant and wipe the surface clean, rinsing out the rag, mop, etc as needed. 3.4 When you are finished with the job, thoroughly rinse out the rag, mop, etc., in the disinfectant and pour down the drain. Rinse the container the disinfectant was in (bucket, pail, etc.) with water, in addition to the rag or mop and rinse off the gloves. 3.5 Gloves shall be left on until all disinfecting has been performed. 3.6 Wash hands and forearms to elbow with soap and water. 4.0 REMOVAL OF BODY FLUIDS MIXED WITH SHARPS (GLASS, NEEDLES, ETC.) Anything which may cut, tear or puncture a rubber glove will be considered sharps and the following procedure will be performed: 4.1 Put on rubber gloves, cuffing them as described previously. If there is a possibility of chlorine bleach cleaning mix (disinfectant) splashing in eyes, put on safety glasses or face shield. 4.2 Mix Clorox bleach at one and one half cups (12 oz.) per gallon of water. 4.3 Obtain a disposable container, such as a cardboard box lined with a red plastic bag with a biological hazard label on it. 4.4 Use a broom or sweep brush to sweep up sharps and place them in the plastic bag. It is alright if body fluids end up inside the plastic bags. Pour two or three cups (16-24 oz.) of disinfectant into the plastic bag. Seal the top of the plastic bag, close the box and dispose of it in a campus dumpster. 4.5 When all sharps have been removed, use a rag or mop, etc., wetted in disinfectant to wipe clean surface. 4.6 Rinse out rag and mop in disinfectant and drain solution. Rinse out the rag and mop and container using water. 4.7 After these steps have been taken, remove gloves. 4.8 Wash hands and forearms to elbows with soap and water. 4.9 After washing hands, remove eye protection. 5.0 PROPER DISPOSAL TECHNIQUES 5.1 Once routine handling procedures have been followed, dispose of the waste in a app dumpster. 5.2 The only allowable waste to be disposed of in a dumpster must be in an approved Bio-Bag furnished by app. If you do not understand this procedure, ask your supervisor. If you are in need of further information, contact the Office of Environmental Safety and Health in the Physical Plant Department at ext. #3480. Failure to follow these procedures could result in disciplinary action as outlined in Section VI-D of the app Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. 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